受付番号 |
U22010 |
22005A |
企画名 |
サッカーボールをパスしてみんなと対話しよう! 2nd ステージ Pass the soccer ball and interact with everyone! 2nd Stage |
活動分類 |
交流会、セミナー・ワークショップ、スポーツ |
活動目的 |
Pass the soccer ball and interact with everyone!」は、スポーツ、とくに「サッカー」の力で、コロナ禍により学内の交流が停滞した状況を打破していこうという目的で2021年12月から活動を開始しました。
活動開始後はほぼ週1回、定期的な練習を継続的に実施しています。また、2022年3月には、「多文化共生促進ワークショップ ーサッカーボールでキャンパス内の見えない壁を壊していこうー Multi-cultural promotion workshop -Kick the soccer balls to break the invisible walls of the campus-」を開催しました。学生、教職員含め10数名に参加していただき、有意義な機会をもうけることができました。
活動に加わってくれる人数も順調に推移し、2022年6月で70名程度になっています。本企画で集まったメンバーでサッカーチームを結成し、チーム名を「KickChat FC」と名付けました。春季スポーツ・デーのフットサル競技に参加するなど、活動の幅を広げています。
We started our activities “Pass the soccer ball and interact with everyone!” in December 2021 with the aim of using the power of sports, especially "soccer," to break through the stagnation of interactions on campus caused by the Corona disaster.
Since the start of activities, regular practice sessions have been held almost once a week continuously. In March 2022, we held a "Multi-cultural promotion workshop -Kick the soccer balls to break the invisible walls of the campus-". More than 10 students, faculty, and staff participated in the workshop, which proved to be a meaningful opportunity.
The number of participants has been steadily increasing, and as of June 2022, approximately 70 people have joined our activities. A soccer team was formed with the members gathered through this project and named "KickChat FC". The team has expanded its activities to include participation in the futsal event of the Spring Sports Day.
In addition, we would like to focus on the realization of (2) webinar and (3) futsal exchange event in the following plan during these 6 months.
We continue to believe in the power of sports, and through the "dialogue" of passing the ball to each other, we hope to deepen cross-cultural understanding and promote multicultural conviviality on campus. |
具体的な活動計画 |
The planned activities of this project from July 2022 to December 2022 are as follows
1) Cross-cultural exchange through soccer practice
Date: Every Saturday from 17:00 for about 2 hours
Location: University of Tsukuba 2nd soccer field
Content: Warm-up, basic practice, game format, etc.
Experienced players will support those who have no experience.
What to bring: Wear clothes you can exercise in, soccer shoes (preferably with spikes), drink (we will prepare ball and items to prevent infection)
Please note: Please take a health observation two weeks prior to the practice date and refrain from participating if you are not feeling well.
2) Webinar to promote understanding of international exchange
Date: September 2022
Location: Hybrid format of GSI building seminar room and Zoom
Content: Guest speakers will be University of Tsukuba alumni who are internationally active. The webinar will be a dialogue style with the keywords of sports (soccer), multiculturalism, and international exchange.
3) Futsal Exchange Event
Date: December 2022
Location: University of Tsukuba 2nd soccer field
Content: Depending on the University's policy of opening its athletic facilities to the public, a 1-day futsal tournament will be held once the restrictions on use by off-campus players are lifted. We would like to promote international exchange on and off campus through the tournament, mainly targeting international residents living in Ibaraki Prefecture. |
活動場所 |
University of Tsukuba 2nd soccer field |
活動期間 |
2022/07/01 ~ 2022/12/31 |
イベント日・時間 |
対象者 |
学生、教職員 |
予定希望人数 |
100人 |
最低必要人数 |
22人 |
企画または グループのURL |
https://www.instagram.com/kickchatfc/ |
企画申請者(プランナー) |
北條英次(体育センター) |
オーガナイザー |
Christian Ebuka Okoye(人間総合科学研究群 博士前期課程2年)
Yuri Cossich Lavinas(システム情報工学研究群 博士後期課程2年) |
パートナー |
小井土正亮(体育系) |
備考 |
(Sports Insurance)
University students (undergraduate and graduate students) are covered by the Personal Accident Insurance for Students Pursuing Education and Research (abbreviated "Gakkensai"). It is strongly recommended that researchers and faculty members purchase their own sports insurance.
(Infection prevention measures)
Confirm requests from Ibaraki Prefecture, Tsukuba City, and Tsukuba University, and make decisions according to the university's infection prevention measures. If there is a request to cancel face-to-face activities, cancel or postpone the project.
Confirm with partner teachers and T-ACT to ensure that infection prevention measures have been thoroughly implemented. Consult with T-ACT one week prior to the event to determine if the project will be implemented.
Report to the partner teacher and T-ACT the day before the event to confirm the physical condition of the participants.
Participants should keep a health record for the past two weeks or more. On the day of the activity, the person in charge will collect and manage the records at the venue.
Disinfect hands as needed before entering, exiting, and touching items during the activity.
Hand soap should be available for hand washing. Wear masks except during practice.
During the presentation, the room should be ventilated, not crowded or sealed, and no eating or drinking should be allowed. Do not talk loudly.
Participants have to check body temperature before leaving home. Only participants who have applied in advance will be allowed to attend.
The position where the participants will sit should be set in advance considering the social distance (2m).
In the first two weeks of the activity, be concerned about the physical condition of the participants and ask them to report any problems.
Make a record of the activity, including the type of activity, location, participants, number of participants, and contents, and have the person in charge manage it.
Follow the infection prevention guidelines set by the University of Tsukuba and T-ACT. |
画像 |
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