企画 詳細情報

受付番号 U21034
企画名 サッカーボールをパスしてみんなと対話しよう! Pass the soccer ball and interact with everyone!
活動分類 交流会、スポーツ
活動目的  昨年来のコロナ禍の影響で、本学も教育研究活動が制限されてきました。その影響で今もって本学の構成員(学生、研究員、教職員)の交流が停滞しています。特にここ2年の間学外から入学した大学院生や新しく採用になった研究員、教員はお互いに知り合うきっかけがほとんどなかったと思います。
 Due to the effects of the corona disaster since last year, our university has been limited in its educational and research activities. As a result, the interaction among the members of our university (students, researchers, faculty members) has been stagnant. In particular, in the past two years, graduate students from outside the university and newly hired researchers and faculty members have had little opportunity to get to know each other.
 Also, even before the Corona disaster, there were far fewer opportunities for Japanese people to interact with international students and researchers from overseas.
 Therefore, through sports, especially soccer, which is said to be the most popular sport in the world, we would like to promote cross-cultural and cross-industrial exchanges among members from different backgrounds, transcending the boundaries of laboratories, research fields, and work areas, and to deepen cross-cultural understanding and realize multicultural coexistence in our university.
 In addition, we hope that members from various backgrounds will discuss areas for improvement at the University of Tsukuba, and that the faculty members participating in this project will reflect their opinions and take action to realize a better and more ideal University of Tsukuba by taking their ideas back to their respective departments.
 It is said that when you pass a ball, you send it with your "Intention" to the person receiving it. Passing the ball to each other is an "Exchange of Intentions," in other words, a "Dialogue". We believe that we can deepen our understanding of each other through the dialogue of passing the ball.
 Eiji Hojo, the planner of this project, is a former staff member of the Global 30 program and has been working to promote exchange between international and Japanese students for several years. I am looking forward to further promoting exchanges through this project.
具体的な活動計画 (参加対象者)
内容:ウォームアップ、パス練習、ゲーム形式等 経験のない方でも問題のない内容です。サッカー経験者がサポートします。
2021年12月~2022年6月 ①毎週のサッカー練習を通しての異文化・異業種間交流
2022年3月 ③多文化共生促進ワークショップ
2022年4月 ②サッカーストーリー発表会
2022年6月 ④交流サッカーイベントの開催
(Target participants)
Students, researchers, faculty and staff. All ages, genders, nationalities, and playing experiences are welcome. We are looking forward to the participation of not only soccer lovers, but also people who like to exercise, and people who want to exchange with different cultures.
(Activity Plan)
This activity will consist of four stages, of which this project will focus on (1) and (2). We are planning to apply for projects (3) and (4) as needed.
(1) Cross-cultural and cross-sectoral exchange through weekly soccer practice
Date and time: Every Thursday or Friday from 19:00 to 21:00, about 2 hours
Place: The University's 2nd soccer field
Details: Warm-up, passing practice, game play, etc. No experience necessary.
Participation fee: Free
What to bring: Clothes for exercise, soccer shoes, drinks. (We will provide balls and infection prevention items.)
Please keep the record of your health for two weeks prior to the practice date.
(2) Soccer Story Presentation(It will be postponed)
Date and time: Friday, April 22, 2022 from 6:00 p.m. for about 2 hours (tentative)
Place: Global Sports Innovation Building (tentative)
Participants: Members of this project and those who are interested in the activities of this project
Participation Fee: Free
Objective: To deepen cross-cultural understanding and raise awareness of multicultural conviviality by sharing the soccer stories of members from various backgrounds.
(3) Multiculturalism Promotion Workshop
A workshop will be held with the members of the University of Tsukuba to discuss the barriers to promoting multicultural conviviality from a variety of perspectives, and to make proposals for improvements to make the University of Tsukuba an ideal place for study, research and work.
(4) Soccer Exchange Event
With the understanding of the University's soccer-related organizations, we will hold a soccer exchange event in the form of a tournament to deepen cross-cultural understanding and promote multicultural conviviality, transcending gender, age, and nationality.
From December 2021 to June 2022: (1) Intercultural and cross-sectoral exchange through weekly soccer practice
March 2022: (3) Multiculturalism promotion workshop
April 22 2022 (Fri): (2) Soccer story presentation(It will be postponed)
June 2022: (4) Holding of exchange soccer events
活動場所 筑波大学第2サッカー場 (セキショウフィールド)
University of Tsukuba 2nd soccer field
活動期間 2021/12/14 ~ 2022/06/13
イベント日・時間 2022/04/23 16:00 ~ 18:00
2022/04/30 16:00 ~ 18:00
対象者 学生、教職員
予定希望人数 22人
最低必要人数 10人
企画申請者(プランナー) 北條英次: 人間エリア支援室 Eiji Hojo: Academic Service Office for the Human Sciences Area
オーガナイザー Yuri Cossich Lavinas(システム情報工学研究群 博士後期課程2年)( Graduate School of Science and Technology, Degree Programs in Systems and Information Engineering)
Christian Ebuka Okoye(人間総合科学研究群 博士前期課程2年)(Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, Master’s Program in Sport and Olympic Studies)
パートナー 小井土正亮: 体育系 Masaaki Koido: Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences
画像 画像1:

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